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AMSHINOV- no quarter asked,no quarter given

Think of me as perpetual Shil'shel Peh

Friday, November 18, 2005

Good Shabus Folks

-amshinover:if you have nothing nice to say, say it here



This is really unbelievable stuff!!! A 9 minute video of jewish life in munkatch. You see the munkatcher chasuneh, about three minutes in, some kids singing Hatikva (nusach Shem Shloma ?) then a cheder, a seforim store, and life on the streets. About seven minutes in are the irreligious youth dancing a mixed hora singing chasidisha nigunim all the while... the ups and downs of life in prewar munkatch. Enough to make you cry. What a lost world!!! It's just amazing. Enjoy!

Some really WOW footage.

-amshinover:if you have nothing nice to say, say it here

Thursday, November 17, 2005

More Cool Crap



-amshinover:if you have nothing nice to say, say it here

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Pompous Pontiff


The Pope has set up a committee to determine whether an anti-Semitic (which one isn't) priest should be declared a saint.

The French priest, Leon Dehon, said in 1925 that Jews thirst for money and are not deterred by shady business dealings. He also said that Jews control the world economy and press (go no?).

The priest has many admirers in the Christian world (duh? and not just little boys) , and the late John Paul II had already considered elevating him to the status of saint.

-amshinover:if you have nothing nice to say, say it here

Von on Von


-amshinover:if you have nothing nice to say, say it here

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Satmar Ha'kufos


Members of the Satmar Rebbe's elder son Aaron’s community, invaded the Simchas Torah services at the Williamsburg shul where his younger brother is spiritual leader.The intrusion resulted in disturbances outside the Shul and police were called to disperse a crowd whose size was estimated at between 500 and 1,000 people. Police arrested 26 men, after they entered offices connected to the synagogue. The men, followers of Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, were accused of scouring documents and trashing furniture and equipment.The men were charged with misdemeanours including burglary, criminal mischief, petty larceny and trespassing.

The first Hakofa
The SecondHakofa

The Third Hakofa

The fourth Hakofa

please be patient these videos take a minute to download

i've added more hakofos and will post more as i get them

Thanks for all your help Fairy Blog Mother Akiva and Ultimately Ayelet.


-amshinover:if you have nothing nice to say, say it here

Monday, November 14, 2005

Do Me Som'ding, Ya



Last night I heard Hella Winston author of the book Unchosen : The Hidden Lives of Hasidic Rebels speak, many of the quests at the reading were not orthodox, but ' Baruch Hashem' there were some ex-/ neo-/ post-/ quasi-/ pre-Heimishe present. The post Heimishe were easily identified as their Austro-Hungarian accents reared its’ ugly head, heck even famed Shtriemel was present (maybe ?).The overall atmosphere was anti-clerical or at least charged with rage against the Chasidic community. Yada , Yada , Yada ....

Some Points of Interest to Me:

-One woman wanted to know how the ‘Chasidics’ though ‘all’ poor, can ‘all’ afford big expensive cars. To which yours truly shut her down by heckling “All? All?”

-One gentleman who looked like his ancestors came from Puerto Rico asked several poignant questions, his annunciation though gave him away as a post-‘Yoli’.A very angry one at that.

-Some oldhag wanted to know why her grandson wanted to become " a Lubavitch".(Duh the hot girls , think Mid'yan).

-After the lecture we sat around guessing who’s’ who, which one of us was or is which blogger.

-We had 15 men with a yeshiva education and no minyan.

-In the elevator with a mix of neo-/ post-/ quasi-/ and pre-s one post-bobver named ‘Motti” claimed that a presumptuous fellow of the U/O Litvish persuasion said “Motti I’m glad you are no longer chassidish , why don’t you become a Litvak”

-I met someone once named Tully, who introduced me to his friend (?) [life's partner (?)] and had managed to lose his accent, the two of them are making a documentary about faith in America. Update see here

-amshinover:if you have nothing nice to say, say it here
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