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AMSHINOV- no quarter asked,no quarter given

Think of me as perpetual Shil'shel Peh

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Stick To What You Know


I've been too busy to answer the posek (poskenyak is more like it) at dovbear.
Not that I practice this tradition but in defense of those who do:

The Rama (o’h585) states that there are those who visit graves to pray, on erev rosh hasana .The Mishna Brura (127) adds that we should not pray to the dead, rather only ask for Hashem to listen to our prayers, in the merit of the dead.
The Mishna Brura is disagreeing with The Pri Megadem Ashel Avraham (116), and the Mahram Schick (o’h end of #10,293) and the Shu’t Minchas Elazer (1, 68) who feels it is a mitzvah.
In fact we find the Gemara telling of Yosef’s prayer to his dead mother (Tannis 16a),also see sota34b.The Minchas Yitchok (8,53) says that we should write prayers to the dead. Perhaps you would like to see the Eh’lef Hamagen (113) who claims that the dead will help you because they are conscious of our problems. You don’t like that last line, ok then see the Gemara in Brachos (18b) and Tannis (23b) about the Tanna who begs his dead father to help and dad kicks in.

And so I say DovDov stick to what you know!
-amshinover:if you have nothing nice to say, say it here

Friday, September 30, 2005

Bo Shabus,Bo Menucha

Main Entry: tran·quil
Pronunciation: 'tra[ng]-kw&l, 'tran-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin tranquillus
1 a : free from agitation of mind or spirit
b : free from disturbance or turmoil
2 : unvarying in aspect :
synonym see
- tran·quil·ly adverb
- tran·quil·ness noun


-amshinover:if you have nothing nice to say, say it here

It says in this weeks parsha...

דברים נִצָּבִים פרק כט
כא: וְאָמַר הַדּוֹר הָאַחֲרוֹן, בְּנֵיכֶם אֲשֶׁר יָקוּמוּ מֵאַחֲרֵיכֶם, וְהַנָּכְרִי, אֲשֶׁר יָבֹא מֵאֶרֶץ רְחוֹקָה; וְרָאוּ אֶת-מַכּוֹת הָאָרֶץ הַהִוא, וְאֶת-
תַּחֲלֻאֶיהָ, אֲשֶׁר-חִלָּה יְהוָה, בָּהּ. כב: גָּפְרִית וָמֶלַח, שְׂרֵפָה כָל-אַרְצָהּ--לֹא תִזָּרַע וְלֹא תַצְמִחַ, וְלֹא-יַעֲלֶה בָהּ כָּל-עֵשֶׂב

Deu 29:22 the last generation will say of your children that shall rise up after you, and the gentile that shall come from a far land (saying), when they see the plagues of that land, and the sicknesses which the LORD hath laid upon it.
Deu 29:23 [that] the whole land thereof [is] brimstone, and salt, [and] burning, [that] it is not sown, nor beareth, nor any grass groweth therein...

Mark Twain,visited Israel in 1867, described it as:

“ ...[a] desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over
wholly to weeds-a silent mournful expanse....A desolation is here that not even
imagination can grace with the pomp of life and action....We never saw a human
being on the whole route....There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even
the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of the worthless soil, had almost
deserted the country.”

-Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad. London: 1881 (New American Library, 1997).

In 1913, the British Royal Commission reported:

"The road leading from Gaza to the north was only a summer track suitable for transport by camels and carts ... no orange groves, orchards or vineyards were to be seen until one reached Yabna village.... The ploughs used were of wood.... The yields were very poor........ The western part, towards the sea, was almost a desert.... The villages in this area were few and thinly populated.."

Lewis French, Director of Development for the British Government, in 1931:

"We found it inhabited largely by fellahin who lived in mud hovels and suffered severely from the prevalent malaria.... Large areas ... were uncultivated.... There was little public security, and the fellahin's lot was an alternation of pillage and blackmail by their neighbors, the Bedouin."

-amshinover:if you have nothing nice to say, say it here

Thursday, September 29, 2005

now a word from our sponsors


-amshinover:if you have nothing nice to say, say it here

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

things that make you go hmmmm part1



Paul Bookson, the lawyer representing Moses Teitelbaum, the grand rebbe of Satmer was killed by a off-duty cop who crashed her motorcycle into the retired judge as he crossed a downtown Brooklyn street yesterday, fatally injuring him.

Bookson, a former state senator now working for the Herzfeld & Rubin law firm, suffered head trauma and two broken legs in the accident. He was pronounced dead at Bellevue Hospital late last night.

A funeral will be held today at the Eldridge St. Synagogue on the lower East Side, where Bookson was president of the congregation


-amshinover:if you have nothing nice to say, say it here

coming sukos to a theater near you


You Ain't gonna believe this one


-amshinover:if you have nothing nice to say, say it here

Krazy Kommies


Moscow’s chief rabbi, Swiss-national Pinkhas Goldschmidt, says Russian border guards denied him reentry to the country on 26 September when he returned from a trip to Israel. He says the border guards told him that his Russian visa had been annulled, but gave no further explanation. He then had to fly back to Israel. Jewish religious leaders both in Russia and abroad have expressed deep concern over the incident and called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to immediately let Goldschmidt return to Russia.

-amshinover:if you have nothing nice to say, say it here

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Krazy Kids

Currently "the state" is "auditing me".
so me blogging is on hold .
meantime enjoy this one :


-amshinover:if you have nothing nice to say, say it here

Monday, September 26, 2005

Strange Bedfellows

Christian fascination with the idea of Israel “premillennial dispensationalism”, can be found in Apocalypsis Apocalypseos, written by Anglican clergyman Thomas Brightman in 1585.1621, a member of the British Parliament, Henry Finch, wrote: “ (Jews) shall repair to their own country, shall inherit all of the land as before, shall live in safety, and shall continue in it forever.” Louis Way, an Anglican clergyman taught that the Jews return to Palestine is the first stage to the Messiah.In the 1880s, William Hechler, saw Herzl as ordained by God to fulfill the prophetic scriptures.Then-British Prime Minister David Lloyd-George and Balfour had religious interest in Zionism.

Self-proclaimed Christian Zionist organizations such as the International Christian Embassy-Jerusalem and the US-based Bridges for Peace have been operating for years.Christian Zionists work with the Israeli government,Zionist organizations, and are particularly empowered during periods when Likud is in control.

Christian Zionists wait for a series of wars pointing to the return of Jesus. The establishment of Israel,building of the Temple,rise of the Antichrist and the buildup of armies to attack Israel.As an apocalyptic theology, they look for the escalation of power aligned to the Antichrist, who, will do battle with Israel.

Christian Zionism is a growing political force with branches of Protestant, Presbyterian, United Methodist, Lutheran and other churches. It thrives during periods of political and economic unrest in the Middle East.Some estimate that 20-25 million American hold these views. This included US Attorney General John Ashcroft, Israel’s Ambassador to the US Daniel Ayalon, Southern Baptist Convention leader Richard Land,and Tom Lantos.

I warn you...

amshinover:if you have nothing nice to say, say it here
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