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AMSHINOV- no quarter asked,no quarter given

Think of me as perpetual Shil'shel Peh

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Pompous Pontiff


The Pope has set up a committee to determine whether an anti-Semitic (which one isn't) priest should be declared a saint.

The French priest, Leon Dehon, said in 1925 that Jews thirst for money and are not deterred by shady business dealings. He also said that Jews control the world economy and press (go no?).

The priest has many admirers in the Christian world (duh? and not just little boys) , and the late John Paul II had already considered elevating him to the status of saint.

-amshinover:if you have nothing nice to say, say it here


  • At 11/16/2005 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Snap Kike-ele Pop

  • At 11/16/2005 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So what else is new, Amshi?

    Popes have been declaring anti-semites "saints" since time immemorial.

    Try St Vincent Ferrer on for size: A Dominican whose claim to fame is touring medieval Spain "converting" Jews. (Don't ask what happened if you didn't see the light.) Or the child, Saint Hugh of Lincoln, who supposedly was a killed by Jews so they could use his blood for making matzo.

    The "enlightened" Catholic Church has never un-declared the sainthood of any jew-hating "saint." So why wouldn't it add to the number now?

  • At 11/17/2005 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    this is related too


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