About Me
- Location: Pumpa'desa, I'm a real dao jin jiao ren, Albania
Nothing a fist full of prozac and a polo mallet couldn't help.As Steg said 私とアムシノーヴァーさんは 美味しいお寿司を食べましたよ about me? think- קוֹץ וְדַרְדַּר
Think of me as perpetual Shil'shel Peh
At 12/02/2005 8:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
this is like 2 for the price of one
as close to getting two wifes leagely
At 12/02/2005 8:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
you had a better pic on ruchni blogg
At 12/02/2005 10:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Is she married yet? I would like a chance to go out with her.
At 12/05/2005 7:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nisht shein - boys. tsk, tsk.
At 12/05/2005 8:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nisht shein? Ich mein az zi iz zeir shein.
At 12/05/2005 8:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
malkilel a.k,
Bei mir bist di shein.......
please let me explain, -
to me, your the fairest in the land.
bei mir bist di git,
bei mir , bist di 'it'
bei mir bist di teirer fun gelt.
howz that for 'shein'?
At 12/07/2005 10:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey that's my sister!
I'm gonna sue
At 12/08/2005 3:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
excuse me, yeshivisha dude but dets my kallah!
she never vas tellink me she has a bruder!
hey everybody i have a nogoodnik bruder-in-law
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