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AMSHINOV- no quarter asked,no quarter given

Think of me as perpetual Shil'shel Peh

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Agent Orange

Last night the Israeli goverment issued two letters to Gush Katif leaders of every community. According to media reports, the community leaders refused to deliver them to Gush Katif residents

the Letters in their original form.

Letter from Commander, Southern Command to citizens of the State of Israel, residents of Gaza
According to the law to implement the disengagement program, 2005, and in accordance with decisions of the Israeli government and orders issued by the Prime Minister, your are commanded to evacuate your homes and to leave the area of the Gaza Strip by the end of Tisha b'Av, (14.08.2005) at 12 midnight.

At that time the stage of 'voluntary evacuation' will end and all the entrances to Gush Katif will be closed, and entrance to civilians will be forbidden, (excepting solely exit), for from this time, on 14.08.2005, at midnight, remaining in the Gaza Strip will be illegal.

On the 10th of Av, 15.8.2005, security forces will arrive to evict you from your homes and will instruct you to leave the Gaza Strip.

Over the years, the IDF defended the communities in the Gaza area, with a feeling of cooperation, responsibility and national mission.
This assignment will also be implemented by us with a feeling of cooperation and understanding of your deep pain.

With that, the IDF, as the army of a democratic state, which is subordinate to the law, will implement this mission in full.

From the 12th of Av, 17.08.2005, from one minute after midnight, the stage of forced eviction will begin, when security forces will arrive and evict residents who have chosen to stay and who will force the security forces to confront them, with the goal of fulfilling the law.

I am sure that your obligation to the rule of law and responsibility and for the unity of the people will guide your protests.

I pray for the peace of all of us, citizens of Israel and residents of the Gaza Strip, the IDF and the Israeli police.

With honor and admiration,
Dan Harel
Commander, Southern Command

2. Eviction Procedures 15-16/8/2005

Following the 9th of Av, when Am Yisrael cries for the destruction of our Temple, and with hope and prayer for its rebuilding, and with faith that, in fact, from within the calamity will sprout the redemption, and from the ruins will blossom the desert, on Sunday night, following the 9th of Av, the Gaza Strip will be closed to Israeli civilians, and of course, no movement between Gaza communities will be permitted, (Gaza communities will be closed and movement between them will be controlled).

On the morning of 15.08.2005, security forces will arrive and deliver eviction orders to your homes.

Residents who choose to leave by midnight, 16.08.2005, will receive assistance, as much as can be provided, in order to ease the organization and departure.

You will be provided with the opportunity to request assistance to pack your houses and belongings, with the help of soldiers and packing companies.

Those who choose to leave during voluntary eviction will be able to depart in their private cars. In addition, those choosing to leave during voluntary eviction will be able to choose the manner in which they will part from their houses (ceremonies, etc.)

The property packed in your houses before 15.08.2005, and during the 15-16.08.2005, will be concentrated in a "room center." The IDF will make efforts to remove all private property without consideration for number of containers or trucks needed. For this you will not be charged more than the amount allocated for moving and reorganization in the disengagement law of 2005.

During the packing of the homes and moving the property into containers, the heads of families will be able to enter and assist in packing the containers.

From 17.08.2005, and afterwards, security forces will arrive and evict the remaining residents. Afterwards, property will be packed by packing companies, at a maximum of 2 containers. Residents leaving after 17.08.2005 will not be given the opportunity to return to their homes and assist in packing, in accordance with the law for implementing the disengagement, and will lose a substantial part of their financial privileges.

To receive additional details, at telephone (972)8-9902666, the office of Southern Command, and (972)8-9927272, Center for moving and information of Home Front command.

With much honor,
Guy Tzur Brigadier General
Head of Operations
Southern Command

-amshinover lives in amshinov plus or minus a week


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  • At 8/10/2005 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yo photo boy,

    Amshinover is addressing one of the blackest moments in recent history. You are using this as an opportunity to sell your picture service. Timing is everything.

  • At 8/10/2005 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    After the residents get thrown off their land there will be plenty of hashish for you to continue your purple haze.


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